Oaxacans and travelers who visits us:

We are magueyeros, producers of mezcal, bottlers and marketers of the spirit that today is a Oaxacan honor, the drink that is exported to more than 70 countries around the world.

– Oaxaca produces 93% of all mezcal made in the country.  
– In 2019 we produced 8 million liters of mezcal, which means 4 billion Pesos MXN .
– For each bottle of mezcal that is sold we pay 44% taxes to SAT.
– For each bottle that is exported, we pay 35% taxes to SAT.
– We are more than 2,400 associates in total of the Mexican Council Regulating Mezcal Quality (COMERCAM)
– A small group of 22 partners, followers of the former President of the Council,  and who are supported by the Governor and several other state and federal officials, want to take over our organization.
– We demand that Alejandro Murat takes his hands off the internal life of our organization.
– On May 15th our Ordinary General Assembly elected the Chemist Abelino Cohetero as its President. We demand his recognition!
– SAT and Tatiana Clouthier, Secretary of Economics of the Federal Government, are complicit in this group which is collided with the big companies that concentrate 70% of the exportations.

– SAT must give us the Electronic Signature immediately. No more excuses or delays!

-The Ministry of Economy must recognize us immediately; we handed in our application since May 27th and they have only ignored us and have not resolved anything. They have prolongated a conflict that affects those of us who live from this industry. 
– Every day that goes by without a solution costs the Mezcal Industry 11 million Pesos MXN .

-Indigenous people, maguey farmers, mezcal producers, bottling companies and marketers; we all live from this industry.

-A few unscrupulous and blind of ambition businessmen, are in collusion with public officials and want to appropriate an industry that is of the Oaxacans who have cultivated and produced mezcal for many generations and hundreds of years.

– We demand Andrés Manuel to put his cabinet in order! We know that you support us, but your Secretary of Economics: Mrs. Tatiana Clouthier, does not.
– They stole our facilities and our vehicles, and instead of arresting those we surprised red-handed, the Prosecutor released them. We demand that the investigations be expedited and that the material and intellectual authors of the various crimes reported be consigned!
– We demand punishment and imprisonment of thieves and usurpers!
– Jail for Hipócrates Nolasco and his puppet Juanito Martínez!


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